Using these details anyone can take away all your money from your Paytm Bank account. If you still wish to reset your password, dial the number below from your registered mobile number and press 1. Trying login to a new device? This extra step to make sure it's really you trying to log in. Enter OTP. Resend OTP. · Follow the simple Steps to Complete KYC with Paytm Golden Gate App: . Step 1. Open Paytm Golden Gate App. You see “ Customer KYC ” option here. Click on this option. Step 2. Enter Your Customer’s Mobile Number and Click on Proceed. Step 3. In . · Step 1: Install the Paytm App From Playstore Complete your KYC. Step 2: Paytm PSA Signup Click on the Signup link (This link will redirect you to Paytm App) Step 3: Complete the Registration Process by Uploading POI i.e Aadhaar Card (Front Back), Highest Educational Certificate, live Selife. Step 4: Now Take the Assessment which.
Search: Paytm Kyc App. About App Paytm Kyc. Paytm Payments Bank offers a Savings Account with no account opening charges or minimum balance requirements. Keep upto Rs. 2 lac of deposits and enjoy benefits like: No account fees and charges. Enjoy the convenience of banking on your phone and no charges for online transactions. Risk-free deposits. Paytm, One97's flagship brand, is India's largest digital goods and mobile commerce platform - inspired and driven by a commitment to great consumer is also a leading payment solutions provider to ecommerce merchants using its RBI approved semi-closed wallet. Paytm has now launched an electronic, Aadhaar-based KYC authentication system in an attempt to help in upgrading limit.
Follow the simple Steps to Complete KYC with Paytm Golden Gate App: . Step 1. Open Paytm Golden Gate App. You see “ Customer KYC ” option here. Click on this option. Step 2. Enter Your Customer’s Mobile Number and Click on Proceed. Step 3. In this Step you see KYC Terms and Conditions here. Paytm Golden Gate App. How to get login into the Paytm Ka ATM. Note: before going to get login into the app you have to make sure that you have an active account or you got registration as KYC partner to Paytm Payments Bank. Otherwise, you cannot directly login to the app. Never share your CVV, PIN, OTP or Password with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a Paytm Bank employee. Using these details anyone can take away all your money from your Paytm Bank account. If you still wish to reset your password, dial the number below from your registered mobile number and press 1.