the information is the series of encounters the party will meet when dealing with the crea-ture listed. Sometimes the end of the en-counter has a brief listing that can lead the party to other encounters in The Book of Lairs II. Terms Used in The Book of Lairs II There is a set of fairly standard terms used throughout the text of this work that. Fantastic Lairs is a page book including twenty three capstone lair encounters from 1st to 20th level for your 5e fantasy RPG, designed to inspire and fit into your own campaign. Each fantastic lair includes evocative artwork, a beautiful full-color map, and a well-designed and playtested boss encounter for characters of various levels. The Book of Lairs: Urban Encounters is the second in the ongoing series. Like its predecessor, it contains lairs of monsters from A to Z, including full colour maps. These lairs use monsters from the core Adventure, Conqueror, . Author: Simon Forster. Publisher: ISBN: Category: Page: View: Download».
Saltmarsh Encounters presents sixty short encounters to complement the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure anthology. The supplement comprises the following sections: seek the lair of an adult black dragon. Boss dog A mangy, starving pack of 2d4 mastiffs, led by a savage gray dire wolf, confront the characters in a quiet part. Dungeon Master's Basic Rules Version Credits DD Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford Design Team: Christopher Perkins, James Wyatt, Rodney Thompson, Robert J. Schwalb, Peter Lee, Steve Townshend, Drawing from further development by. The Kickstarter for Fantastic Lairs is currently underway to fund a book of capstone lair encounters for your 5e fantasy RPG, designed to inspire and fit into your own campaign. Each fantastic lair includes evocative artwork, a beautiful full-color map, and a well-designed and playtested boss encounter for characters of various levels.
The Book of Lairs: Urban Encounters is the second in the ongoing series. Like its predecessor, it contains lairs of monsters from A to Z, including full colour maps. These lairs use monsters from the core Adventure, Conqueror. Watermarked PDF + Softcover, Standard Color Book. $ $ Average Rating (3 ratings) From now through October 12th, this digital title has been marked down by up to 60%. Discover more Small Press savings by visiting our Small Press Spotlight sale page. The Book of Lairs: Urban Encounters is a collection of 25 lairs in an urban. Encounters: Murder in Baldur's Gate: B Encounters: Legacy of the Crystal Shard (Launch Weekend) A Encounters: Legacy of the Crystal Shard: B Encounters: Scourge of the Sword Coast - PDF only: B Encounters: Dead in Thay - PDF only: B Lair Assault: Forge of the Dawn Titan: B Lair Assault: Talon of Umberlee.